Monir Zandghoreishi


Monir Zandghoreishi laid the foundation for her designing career as a youth, designing and sewing clothing for her dolls. Today, Monir is known to the Seattle area as a highly respected couture designer. She has a degree in Art & Fashion and has experienced couture training from several European countries. She began her career in Per­sia and Vienna, Austria. Since her moving to Seattle in 1987, she has been featured in Se­attle Bride Magazine, Bridal Connection Magazine, Vogue, and a fashion show on KOMO TV’s (Seattle, WA) North­west Afternoon Magazine show.

Monir prides herself in designing and making one of kind gowns. She orders fine fab­rics in a multitude of colors and patterns from all over the world, but only enough for one gown. “You will never see a duplicate of your wedding or special occasion dress.”

Monir accepted the position of regional Director of Fashion Group International in 2006. She is the Fashion Design Program Chair for the International Acad­emy of Design & Technology. Sharing her knowledge with the new generation of designers is Monir's Passion.

Monir created Project Red Dress completion for all the Seattle fashion design schools in 2007 and her picture featured on the cover of New York Fashion Mannuscript magazine in fall 2008

“As a woman, designer, teacher, mother, and wife, fashion helps me bridge the gap and bring harmony to the outside, to be able to ex­press what one feels inside outwardly.” --Monir

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